
克里斯·蒂伯(Chris De Burgh)1948年10月15日出生于阿根廷。De Burgh是一位英国外交官的儿子,然而他却走上了歌唱道路。
  当De Burgh在都柏林Trinity 大学求学时,他已经开始凭着对音乐的痴迷与爱恋进行流行歌曲的创作。De Burgh签约 A&M唱片公司后,成为Supertramp的主要成员,1975
De Burgh的《For Beyond These Castle Wall》推出的时候,恬逢Moody Blues风行乐坛,De Burgh被掩盖在其浓荫之下,尽管如此,他用轻摇滚演绎的历史幻想还是引起了乐评的注意,他们认为De Burgh的歌曲具有一种超人的洞察力,这张专辑的一首单曲《Flying》虽然在英国表现并不很出色,却在巴西流行乐排行榜上取得了No.1。
  接着De Burgh又推出了专辑《Spanish Train And Other Stories》,其中的一首《A Spaceman Came Tranelling》以及流畅、迷人的旋律受到乐众的喜爱。 虽然这时 De Burgh仍没能火爆英美乐坛,但是在加拿大,南非,欧洲和南美洲,他已经名声日隆。De Burgh 的第五张专辑《Eeastern Wind》在挪威的销售量超过了The Beatles的《Let It Be》取得了当地排行榜的冠军。在一段冗长的等待期之后,终于在1982年凭藉由Ruper Hine制作的《The Getway》冲入了英国排行榜。1984年De Burgh的专辑《Mam on The Line》获得了很好的销量,翌年《The Very Best Of》又使他在英国名噪一时。1986 年他又以一首快乐浪漫的《Lady In Red》取得了英国排行榜的榜首。
  1988年De Burgh又发挥他优秀的创作才能,写出了一首广为流传的《Missing You》。同年他的专辑《Flying Colours》不仅取得了商业上的成功,并名列英国专辑榜前列。De Burgh于1992年又推出了《Power Of Ten》,依然保持了他的高水准。Chris De Burgh凭着优秀的音乐才能在乐坛中继续追求着商业性和艺术性的双重目标。

曲目:A Spaceman Came Travelling
专辑:Spanish Train & Other Stories
演唱:Chris de Burgh
A spaceman came traveling on his ship from afar
'Twas light years of time since his mission did start
And over a village he halted his craft
And it hung in the sky like a star
Just like a star -----
He followed a light and came down to a shed 
Where a mother and child were lying there on a bed
A bright light of silver shone round his head 
And he had the face of an angel 
And they were afraid ----- 
Then the stranger spoke
He said Do not fear 
I come from a planet a long way from here
And I bring a message for mankind to hear
And suddenly the sweetest music filled the air ----
And it went la la ------
Peace and goodwill to all men
And love for the child ------
la la ------
This lovely music went trembling through the ground
And many were wakened on hearing that sound
And travelers on the road
The village they found by the light of that ship in the sky
Which shone all around ----- 
And just before dawn
At the paling of the sky
The stranger returned and said Now I must fly
When two thousand years of your time has gone by
This song will begin once again, to a baby's cry --
And it went la la ------ 
Peace and goodwill to all men
And love for the child ----
Oh the whole world is waiting
Waiting to hear the song again
There are thousands standing on the edge of the world
And a star is moving somewhere